"Kung fu’s popularity in the West owes much to Bruce Lee, but his master, Ip Man, is not as well known. Wing chun, the style taught by Ip Man, traces its lineage back to a Shaolin Temple nun who taught a young girl a simplified style to help her beat the man who had tried to bully her into marriage.
“With it, you can defeat someone larger and stronger than you,” says David Davila, head instructor at the Shanghai Leung Sheung Wing Chun Student Association. “You don’t need a lot of force, you just need to borrow an opponent’s force.”
The style focuses on small, economic movements and thinking practically in the moment, rather than employing a large library of elaborate moves. Davila says, “Most styles start from big movements and move on to smaller ones. Wing chun starts from small movements and moves to smaller and smaller techniques.”
It’s not a martial art for people looking to lose weight, but Davila describes it as good for developing confidence and mental clarity. “It’s up to me to move these principals into my body,” he says."
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“With it, you can defeat someone larger and stronger than you,” says David Davila, head instructor at the Shanghai Leung Sheung Wing Chun Student Association. “You don’t need a lot of force, you just need to borrow an opponent’s force.”
The style focuses on small, economic movements and thinking practically in the moment, rather than employing a large library of elaborate moves. Davila says, “Most styles start from big movements and move on to smaller ones. Wing chun starts from small movements and moves to smaller and smaller techniques.”
It’s not a martial art for people looking to lose weight, but Davila describes it as good for developing confidence and mental clarity. “It’s up to me to move these principals into my body,” he says."
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